Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sean Adams and Margo Chase

Sean Adams is a designer and is the national president of AIGI. He created which has tutorials and online classes on design, history of design, and the general foundations of design. He teaches at Art Center College of Design he says that he loves teaching and gets just about as much from his students as he gives to the class. His family wanted him to go to Harvard and even though he was excepted and was ready to go at the last minute he changed his mind and decided to come out to California and go to school for design. He is a major history buff and love general history as well as history of design. One thing he mentioned was that networking is the major way of getting involved and getting jobs in the field.

Margo Chase has a design firm in L.A. She had always had an interest in type because her mother would do calligraphy as a past time so she grew up around it, that's also why she thinks she loves the Gothic style so much. She was originally planning on being a vet. But when she went to school she took a design class as an elective and her teachers enthusiasm for type and her was a big influence in her switching to design as a major. She got a start in the business doing designs in the music industry. She specialized in Gothic designs which got her a lot of business but also pigeonholed her because some clients would be scared that she wouldn't be able to do any other style. But she made it work and would show them she could do pretty much anything. She loves what she does and says she gets a lot of joy out of helping a company raise their profits after creating a new design.